

When you consider upgrading your staircase, it is helpful to know what the different parts of a staircase are called. That way you can explain what you have and identify what you would like to change. This glossary and the associated image(s) will help you with common terms. Don’t worry if it seems confusing, your […]

Renovation Made Easy!

When considering a renovation in your home, it is normal to be concerned about how much time and inconvenience will be required. Unlike many home-improvement projects, renovating your stairs can add value to your home quickly without a lot of inconvenience. The Re-Stair Method removes a great deal of the difficulty because of our excellent […]

Is Your Staircase Camera Ready?

One of the first things people see in most homes is the staircase. It is often featured in pictures of your family or events at your home. For visitors, it is one of the first things they see. Is your staircase camera ready? You may not have given your staircase a lot of thought as […]